The Bite Goes On....St Simons Fishing Report 7/11/11
You gotta love it when a plan comes together! Rodney, Carol, Jason & Taylor made the 16 hour trek from Arkansas to visit the Golden Isles and throw in a little fishing trip. The day started off with a pretty good Redfish bite, although we are still catchin a lot of juvenile Reds. We were about to head out to the sound when the larger fish showed up, including a real baby bull that Taylor landed like a pro.
Being from a land locked state, shark fishing was definitely on the menu, and boy did they show up and how! Jason started the shark show off with a couple nice 2-3 ft Blacktips. After catching the usual suspects, Daddy finally showed up in the form of a Blacktip right at 100 lbs. Rodney got to shed a few pounds as he fought this beast at high noon for nearly half and hour! This Blacktip got airborne, and stayed as green as any I've seen in a while.
To round out the tour, we were looking for some more tablefare to go with the Reds--Flounder was next on the menu, and although the numbers have tapered off, the size has definitely increased. Carol took the big flattie prize with a real doormat right at 4 1/2 lbs. Thanks guys for some hot fishing in some sure enough hot weather! By the way, it was 110 degrees in Arkansas today-just sayin'
Man...I've been fishing Demeries Creek and the Sunbury area lately without much joy. Thought hard about heading down to JISP this afternoon for the high tide, but decided to give Demeries Creek a good shot on an 8' tide. Mr. Redfish was a no-show. Then I see reports like this. Ouch! Oh well, I had a good time anyway, and learned a few things. That's a great area to catch bait! LOL